Thursday, February 12, 2015

Questions for Bonnie and TJ

1) What made PEDs a topic you wanted to investigate/report on further?
2) What has been the most interesting thing you have found in your research and reporting on PEDs, as well as on the athletes that have confessed to or have allegedly used them?
3) What is your opinion on the entire A-Rod controversy? He's recently met with the NY Yankees to formally apologize.
4) Why do you think PEDs are a huge scandal in one sport, but not in others? (I feel that baseball takes them seriously, the Lance Armstrong controversy blew up, but we rarely hear about huge repercussions about PED use in football - at least, I haven't.)
5) What is your own personal process about crafting feature stories? Bonnie's feature on the Marathon bombings was so vivid.
6) How do you know when a story is a story? Is there a special feeling about it, or are stories something you can craft into greatness?
7) What is your writing process like?
8) How many drafts does your story go through both personally and editorially until it's published?
9) Has there ever been a time your editor wanted to make a change that you felt strongly it should remain unchanged? How do you deal with something like that?
10) Why did you choose to go into sports reporting?

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