Thursday, February 19, 2015

Questions for Howard Bryant and Jemele Hill

1) For those who didn't get the opportunity to take broadcasting classes in college, what is the best way to dip your toes into that field if you're interested?

2) What is the most exciting part of TV?

3) What made you want to be a columnist instead of exploring other aspects of sports journalism?

4) Was there ever an opinion you took or a column you wrote that you were afraid of the repercussions that would come from it?

5) What are some good interviewing tips you could give us?

6) How many times were you rejected before someone finally gave you a chance?

7) What is the relationship with your editor like?

8) How do you know when there is a subject you want to tackle in a column/show?

9) Has there ever been a topic you took on that ended up not being what you expected?

10) How do you deal with the pressure of deadlines?

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